An Empty Page
Well, not quite as empty anymore.

A long time ago this domain and hosting was given to me by my brother. It has seen a lot of dramatic designs and scripts and CMS UIs. It has had a wide range of colours, messages and intents. Now this page has a slightly differnt intent.

In my free time I play guitar and sing, occassionally work in the family silver shop (when I'm needed), do some webpage work for a few bands, and try to find things I can do with my hands.

That said, If you're here it will probably be for one of these limited reasons. So here are the links.

- Resume - Songs - Photos - My Gigs - Two Feet Short Band -

If you're here for another reason... well, then odds are you made poor life choices. There isn't much else I can do.

Please enjoy this webpage that looks like a classy Geocities webpage. Dream big, and dream of simplier times.